Friday, September 3, 2010

Fridays Purchases

Just because Spring has arrived doesn't necessary mean we all have to rush out and buy floras, sandals and maxis. There are some great winter bargains left over and now is the time to snap them up! 

 However there is one golden rule to obey when it comes to out of season shopping

-Avoid past seasonal trends - No matter how inexpensive-

The sequined/fluro/velvet item (whatever the trend may be ) that was all the rage this winter is going to make you look ridiculous next winter,
Remember you may not get a chance to wear it for a full year, so if it doesn't stand the test of time, do not purchase it!!!

Lets get fashion-technical for moment

The evolution of trends is sometimes refereed to as the trickle down process.

This is the basic theory


Fashionistas, High Society and Celebrities attend. They adopt seasonal trends 

Magazines publish celebrity photographs- editorials feature latest trends off the catwalk 


After the public identifies the trend , there is a suitable market to produce these trends on a more affordable budget.

The middle class adopts the trends- and wear less expensive versions


After the budget stores adopt the trend , lower income earners wear the trend. At this stage the trend is usually far removed from the original design, and reproduced in cheaper poor quality fabrics. The trend becomes vulgarised by dis-tasteful use. By this time fashionistas have moved on to the next trend.


The trend has tricked down through society and reached maximum social penetration. The trend gets reduced as sales decline. 
At this point the trend no longer valid 

-A quick example-

Chanel Runway features sequined mini shorts 
Celebrities wear the trend
The consumer demand grows

Witchery releases a mid quality version
Fashionistas on a budget copy the trend

Supre release a copy
low income earners adopt trend
Vulgarised by distasteful use of garment  

Trend goes on sale 
Reaches maximum price reduction
Trend dies

So the trend trickles down the social scale and eventually disappears

 When you are shopping for out of seasonal sale garments try to choose classic pieces that will last you till next season.
If its a classic and its on sale GRAB IT!

Here's some out of season bargains I picked up today


Pearls - always a classic  
All year round piece 

Gold works well in summer and looks great with a tan. 
Would look fabulous paired with a crisp white shirt and some shorts for an effortless chic spring /summer look
Or worn with black shift dress and stockings in winter/Autumn


Chanel -Always my inspiration

The pearl necklace I purchased is very similar to the original Chanel design.
Proving again the trickle down theory 
Only this item is categorised as a classic trend - generally excepted for a longer amount of time 


Pearls from Charlie Brown $25 
A great price for classic piece
Take care of your accessories and even if they are not the best quality you
 should get a decent amount of wear out of them.

-Points the classic shoe-

Always acceptable
Day to night
Office appropriate
Polished look

What more to say! When i see points i buy them in every colour!
Bargain price $50 per pair

I got 5 pairs for the price of 1 full priced pair

I will be looking forward to wearing my dark shades next winter!
And the light shades all spring and summer!


This classic cut black dress Is forever in style

Howard showers sample sale $170 down to $16
I still cant believe it myself!!

Great quality fabric, good cut. Definitely a keeper! 

 Classic pieces complement any wardrobe. 

Classic staple pieces are easy to work with.  If you are in need of styling direction, keep the look simple and classic . Its the easiest way to make good decisions for any occasion. A great coat and black dress will never let you down.  Classic staple garments give you options that will last season after season. You could team a seasonal trend with a classic piece to look up to date. Build a collection of classics and invest wisely to stretch your fashion dollar.


  1. Wow , I learnt so much! I never looked at it like that , but it does apply to almost everthing in retail!

  2. Im glad you learnt somthing off me lol, happy to give fashion advise anytime!
